New IEEE Publication is Electric!

Blake LloydIEEE’s newest publication, IEEE Electrification Magazine, is dedicated to all means of electrified transportation, from bicycles to airplanes, and everything in between.

Jointly published quarterly by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), and IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), the magazine focuses on the microgrids onboard electric vehicles, planes, train, and ships, as well as off-grid applications providing small-scale electricity in areas far from large power sources. The magazine will serve as a consolidated resource for information currently on offer at IEEE conferences, through other IEEE publications, and via the new IEEE Transportation Electrification Web portal.

In addition to articles that focus on theoretical electrification concepts, IEEE Electrification Magazine highlights the latest news and trends facing both technical and business professionals today. The magazine combines scholarly research relevant to the savviest tech reader with a broad survey of hot topics designed to bring new or different perspectives to daily challenges.

In his article, “The Electrification Progression,” 2014 IEEE Industry Applications Society President Blake Lloyd states that electrification is quickly becoming a trendy topic, popularized by the publicity surrounding energy-efficient vehicles and a call to action against global warming. He writes, “It is good for engineers to be associated with a problem and an industry of which the general non-engineering public is aware and may even have strong feelings about.” Lloyd’s message speaks to the relevance of  IEEE Electrification Magazine to both today’s technically multidisciplinary world and its end-users, and the importance of keeping current with the modern issues accented in the magazine.

The first and second issues are now available online. All members of IEEE PES, IEEE IAS and IEEE PELS will receive the digital edition of the magazine as a benefit of membership for one year. Print subscriptions are available at a discounted rate for IEEE and society members. For more information about IEEE Electrification Magazine, visit IEEE Electrification Magazine.

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