IEEE came into being in 1963 with the merger of AIEE and IRE. Both of those organizations were founded by leaders in industry. AIEE was founded 140 years ago by the likes of Edison, Tesla, Thomson, and Weston. Alexander Graham Bell served as an early president. IRE was founded in 1912 by leaders in the evolving wireless telegraphy industry.
Activities Advancing Technologies
By Fred Schindler, IEEE Technical Activities Vice President, 2024 IEEE’s mission is succinctly stated in “Advancing Technology for the Benefit of Humanity.” This is more than a slogan; it is actually what IEEE is chartered to do.
The most value from membership
By: Fred Schindler
I’ve found great value in my IEEE membership. Yet I frequently hear the complaint that members don’t get much in return from joining. Sure, Spectrum and The Institute are included with membership, and they are great. But is that all?
Can You Get It if You Really Want It?
I had an inspiring experience early this year. It was unexpected, which made its impact feel even greater. It left me contemplating what more we can do as IEEE and in Technical Activities.
I first served on the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) in 2003. By the end of that year serving as the Vice President of Technical Activities (TA) was the last thing I imagined ever doing. Since then, I’ve come to value, and enjoy contributing to, what TA does. While I still find it rewarding to […]
A Message from the 2023 Technical Activities Vice President
Dear Colleagues, We have reached the end of the year, a good time to reflect on what we accomplished and look forward to what comes next. Our strategic priorities for 2023 include participation in the IEEE-wide efforts in Climate Change and Sustainable Technologies, imagining future products and services and new audiences, providing value to and […]
Mid-year Progress Report And Looking Forward
(WIE meeting in Atlanta at VIC) Dear Colleagues, The mid-point of the year is a good time to take stock of progress on our priorities. Our strategic priorities in 2023 include timely issues like engagement on climate change and sustainable technologies, imagining future products and services and new audiences, providing value to and growing existing […]
A Message from the 2023 Technical Activities Vice President
Dear Colleagues, I am honored to have served as the 2023 Vice President of IEEE Technical Activities (TA). Over the course of my nearly decade long involvement in the Technical Activities Board (TAB) in various capacities, I have learned a lot about how TA works, and the integral nature of the Societies, Councils, Technical Committees […]
Building Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Communities in TAB
“As advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), we lead by the philosophy that if someone is the smartest person in the room, they are in the wrong room,” says Dalma Novak, Chair of the IEEE Technical Activities Board Committee on Diversity & Inclusion (TAB CDI) and Division X Director. “It is only by ensuring […]