Members of IEEE Technical Activities are advancing many of the newest and most vibrant technologies of electrical, electronic and computer engineering. This year, we’ll be focusing on strategic discussion to ensure that IEEE’s Societies and Councils continue to stay at the forefront of innovation and resources offered to our diverse group of members.
How can we bring TAB into the future?
We’ll learn more about new distance learning technologies that are being increasingly adopted, such as broadcast classes, flipped classrooms, and others. By examining how to develop courses that colleges and universities across the world may decide to use in their own programs, we may greatly help educational institutions in areas that may otherwise lack STEM course resources.
What do you think?
IEEE Collabratec sign up is free using your IEEE Account.
We’ll focus on activities in locations such as East Africa and Southeast Asia that have been less prioritized in the past, in our pursuit to become a truly global community of engineers with representation throughout the world.
We’ll better engage and empower under-served segments of our communities through facilitating networking opportunities and creating easier access to the resources they need. We’ll reach out to new audiences and advocate for those that have been historically under-represented.
We’ll continue to provide highest-quality technical resources and encourage our volunteers to participate. By so doing, we’ll create opportunities and strengthen bonds among all facets of the global technical community.
I look forward to working with you this year as we strategically strengthen TAB for years to come.
— José M.F. Moura
2016 Technical Activities Vice President
Dear VPresident,
We need your help to distribute the additional invitation for our IEEE-PEMC2016 conference:
We invite you and the industries represented by your organization, to exhibit the production and to have successful contracts during our conference IEEE-PEMC2016, held in Varna! This conference is the oldest in Europe on the subject of Power Electronics and Motion Control.
This letter is mainly prepared as a reminder to the academic researchers, but you will receive a specific letter to the industrial participants in short time as well. In the attached poster you will certainly find some of the most important names in the IEEE industrial electronics. For example, Prof Al-Haddad is the new President of IES and Prof Franquelo is the new Chief editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Prof Kouhei Ohnishi is the President of the Japanese IEE, etc.
We invite you too, to submit (you and your colleagues and collaborators) your papers in the area of your research, academic or professional interest and related to any of the topics included in the 17th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control IEEE-PEMC 2016 to be held on September 25-27, 2016 in a location on the Black see cost of Bulgaria (
The deadlines are the following:
Contributed full papers: March 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2016
Final submissions due: July 1, 2016
Early registration closes: June 15, 2016
Selection will be based upon full length 6 or 8 A4 pages paper in IEEE double column format. Only contribution papers are accepted. Practical (experience based) contributions from industry are mostly welcome. Please make sure that your paper is the best it can be, when you load it up.
Upload your blind (anonymous) submission at and complete the form containing the data of the paper and of the authors.
You will be invited to make corrections in accordance with reviewers’ recommendations.
Accepted Papers:
All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the International Steering Committee and the corresponding author will be notified of acceptance or rejection. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference (an author could present maximum two (2) papers) and will be published in the conference Proceedings.
Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors will not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.
If you have not received an email with your paper’s status, please login on your account and check under “Paper submission” to view the results and reviews for your paper.
Publishing after conference
All presented papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore database and will be ISI Thomson indexed.
All presented papers may be considered, by author’s initiative, for final review and publication in IEEE Transactions on IE, and IA, provided their content falls into the scope of these Journals.
In conclusion, we would like to invite you to submit a paper, organize a special session, or become a committee member/reviewer.
Please pass on this information to a colleague of yours, to your student and collaborator, who might be interested in this conference.
Best regards,
Stan Valtchev, General Co-Chair
In the name of my colleagues:
Ivan Yatchev, General Co-Chair
Mihai Cernat, Technical Program Chair