The Network Effect: Lee Stogner Talks People, Sensors, & the Internet of Things

“At the core, an IEEE member is just a kid who loves technology.” So says Lee Stogner, the current Chair of the Transportation Electrification Initiative, and proponent of a more social IEEE. When asked about his

Division Director Moura inducted into the U.S. National Academy of Engineering

The email telling Professor José Moura that he had been inducted into the U.S. National Academy of Engineering went into his spam folder. Only after receiving multiple congratulatory emails from friends and colleagues, one of whom

GOLD IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society visits Pittsburgh

We pay special tribute to IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) members (now IEEE Young Professionals), recently graduated IEEE volunteers working at local, regional, and global levels of IEEE. These IEEE volunteers play an

IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society program supports women engineers

A lack of female colleagues and role models in the engineering community discourages many women from pursuing engineering as a career, according to Charlotte Blair, coordinator for the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society’s Women