A Message from Marina Ruggieri, 2017 Technical Activities Vice President (March)

Dear Colleagues,

I am so honored and pleased to serve as 2017 Technical Activities Vice President. I feel tremendously the responsibility, the challenges, and the opportunities of this role. As with every experience in life, it is an active learning process, based on listening, acting, and dreaming with a collegial, bi-directional approach.

Four new technical multi-disciplinary topics have been introduced this year through four TAB ad hoc committees that will ask IEEE’s diverse members to participate by contributing inputs, technical expertise, and enthusiasm to reach high goals with the valuable and unique TAB brand.

They are:

  • Ad Hoc on FOOD ENGINEERING: IEEE to play a role in the worldwide technological and social challenge of preparing a healthy and enjoyable future for mankind on Earth (and in exploring new planets).
  • Ad Hoc on DIG ONCE: IEEE to play a role in the worldwide technological and social challenge to connect the next billion to the internet by an effective and holistic digging for the deployment of network infrastructures.
  • Ad Hoc on IEEE AT THE NORTH AND SOUTH POLES: IEEE to play a role in the worldwide technological and social challenge of the new Arctic shipping routes and in supporting the enormous multi-continent community behind the 4000+ technical and scientific personnel in the Antarctica bases.
  • Ad Hoc on DESIGN FOR ETHICS: IEEE to play a role in the worldwide technological and social challenge of having Ethics as a basic requirement in the design of all devices, systems and applications.

In addition, to support TAB members in dealing with and solving practical issues through a direct and communications-based mode, a “help desk” has been created: the 2017 TAB Ad Hoc Committee on (Re)-Connect.

This year’s TAB also seeks to cooperate and communicate more effectively and efficiently with other IEEE organizational units and committees and external organizations to help grow our technical communities and contribute to the benefit of humanity.

In particular, the Vice Presidents/Presidents of the major IEEE Boards:

  • IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board
  • IEEE Standards Association
  • IEEE Publications Services and Products Board
  • IEEE Education Activities Board

and the Chairs of the following IEEE Committees:

  • IEEE Young Professionals
  • IEEE Fellow Committee
  • IEEE Public Visibility Committee

were invited to present at the TAB meeting their 2017 planned activities and some possible cooperation scenarios between their OU/Committees and TAB.

In the TAB meeting, my 2017 appointees were recognized in the presence of the correspondent Major OU President/Vice President and TAB members.

The most exciting part of the activities, however, is the one that our collegial work, technical depth, and strategic vision will be able to shape in 2017. I can’t wait!

I am delighted to warmly welcome you to join the efforts of TAB in 2017 and contribute in areas of interest.

Marina Ruggieri

2017 Vice President, Technical Activities



  • Madam, Thanks. Now climate change is showing its effect and its major contributor is emissions. Air pollution taking life’s of million of people. Being a broadcast Engineer, facing the impact of air pollution particularly from road vehicles emissions, has became great challenge to world, I developed an electric vehicles powered by pair of overhead supply line and flexible driving like fuel vehicles. This was presented in IEEE ITEC-2015 and is published by IEEE online. This technology may give relief from many global level problems if implemented. I made a lab model but unable to develop operational model due to lack of resources. As individual residing in India, presented solution of great challenge but organizations, governments, NGOs discuss about global warming, climate change, renewable energy resources etc either refused or ignored to consider this technology. I am writing here in personal interest as poisonous air is available for inhaling but thinking about coming generations to get clean air.

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