IEEE has received the 2012 Summit Award—the highest recognition bestowed by the American Society of Association Executives—for the IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge (HTC). The IEEE HTC is now merged with Engineering for Change, which seeks to develop technical, locally appropriate, and sustainable solutions to humanitarian challenges. The IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society have contributed funding, technical knowledge, and volunteer work to projects under HTC.
Want to learn more about humanitarian projects under IEEE HTC? Check out the articles from our archive below.
IEEE launches major e-health pilot in India
IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge is saving lives in Peru’s Alto Amazonas
Self-maintaining solar power systems deliver electricity in impoverished regions
E-health solution tracks patient records in rural areas
IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge delivers solar power to villages in Haiti
These mobile solar generators are a great idea, particularly for helping communities get back on their feet quickly after a natural disaster. Well done!