IEEE EMBS Hosts Data Science and Engineering Conference in Malta to Promote Data Revolution in Healthcare, Medicine, and Biology

The inaugural International Conference on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare, Medicine & Biology, Portomaso, St. Julians, Malta, was the first of its kind.

Sponsored by IEEE EMBS, Google, and Columbia University Science Institute, nearly 200 participants were among the representatives of academia, industry, clinical practice, government, students, and international organizations in attendance at the Conference from 8 December to 9 December 2023.

The conference was particularly momentous in facilitating conversations between industry professionals and clinicians by creating a space to share innovations in AI and machine learning in healthcare, including advancing and scaling big and heterogeneous data to improve the quality of care and reduce patient costs in the healthcare sector.

Having highlighted the rapid advances in data science and engineering and groundbreaking research in biology and medicine, the conference set the stage for transformative changes across the healthcare spectrum. From the development of advanced genomic sequencing techniques to the implementation of AI-driven diagnostic algorithms, the synergy between these disciplines explored the potential of these integrations to revolutionize patient care, improve health outcomes, and streamline healthcare processes, making them more efficient, effective, and accessible to all.

The presentations marked significant steps forward in empowering the future of healthcare by bridging AI, engineering, and biological sciences. This was the inaugural conference in this area, and it was just the beginning. The work will continue in 2024 and beyond.

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