Are you in the loop?
In this section, we highlight upcoming technical activities, hot topics, and other recent happenings that are of interest to the IEEE community.
- The IEEE Entrepreneurship Exchange Community on IEEE Collabratec™ has quickly grown to over 5000 participants. All may join this exciting community for free. To join IEEE Collabratec, ™ see .
- The 2016 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference will be held in San Jose, CA on 23-24 May. Find out more at:
- The IEEE Smart Cities Community is now live on IEEE Collabratec™. All may also join this exciting community for free. To join IEEE Collabratec, ™ see
- 2016 TAB Vice President José M.F. Moura has established an Ad Hoc on Africa to foster TAB activities there and to make TAB activities more global.
- The IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) portal contains a number of interesting and freely accessible webinars on IoT. See .
- Vint Cerf contributed a column on “Our Fragile Power Grid” to the March/April issue of IEEE Internet Computing magazine.
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