A Message from the 2022 Technical Activities Vice President: 3Q 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

As I approach my final quarter as Technical Activities Vice President, I would like to acknowledge the progress being made in the following focus areas thanks to the dedicated efforts of volunteers and staff. 

  • Creating a Technical Activities Board (TAB)  program on climate change
  • Identifying disruptive technology while sharing and favoring cross-disciplinary work amongst Societies/Councils
  • Increasing visibility of the TAB Value Proposition with IEEE members
  • Promoting diversity and attracting “new blood” in committees
  • Continuing to build on existing good practices in place at TAB level

Many individuals have continued to work hard to drive these efforts, and I look forward to providing an end-of-year update in my final message, following the November TAB Meeting which will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

A primary goal in 2022 has been to spread awareness about TAB and how it significantly facilitates, enables, and drives the technical component of IEEE through its stature as the largest major IEEE board that crosses many facets of technology. Situated under TAB are not only IEEE Societies and Technical Councils, and all of the products they have to offer, but the majority of IEEE conferences and periodicals content. TAB facilitates all aspects of these technical components at the heart of IEEE, from governance and strategy, to portfolio review, tools and quality, the future of intellectual property, and technical program integrity. If you are reading an IEEE publication or presenting at an IEEE conference, there is a good chance that TAB played a significant part in making this happen. 

Another primary goal in 2022 has been to nurture TAB’s diversity, equity, and inclusion programs to ensure that there is adequate and proper representation on not only the TAB Board itself, but in each of the committees and activities it supports. There are many characteristics of representation, such as gender, age, and professional sector (to name a few) but making sure that geographic regions are sufficiently represented is equally important. 

I have been fortunate, over the summer holiday, to merge these two priorities with invitations to share the important work of TAB with the volunteer leadership of several IEEE Regions. It is by broadly sharing these opportunities across many groups of people that we can improve both representation and awareness in our technical communities. Thank you to Regions 4 and 8 for this invitation to collaborate and share for the benefit of not just IEEE, but technology. 

Best regards, 

Bruno Meyer

2022 Vice President, IEEE Technical Activities

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