A Message from José M.F. Moura, 2016 Technical Activities Vice President (May)

José M.F. Moura, 2016 Technical Activities Vice President
José M.F. Moura, 2016 Technical Activities Vice President

Dear colleagues:

In the first quarter of this year, IEEE Technical Activities has focused on developing strategies to better address the needs of our members. We have established committees to look at ways to improve our business and service models, to identify offerings targeting member segments, to recognize educational opportunities, and to understand representation of underserved groups of our communities.


In quarter two, our work in these crucial areas has continued.

We began analyzing how to better serve some historically underserved segments of our community in evolving modern scenarios. We’ve committed to empowering educators in sub-saharan Africa, and offering professional development opportunities for those who live on that continent. We’ve begun to identify processes and barriers that are obstacles to inclusion and diversity in all realms of our technical communities, and to develop best practices which ensure that groups are accountable for promoting adequate representation.

We’ve explored how to best connect with our members across the world so that we may provide them with offerings that add value to their professions and fuel their interests. We’ve tackled financial transparency and reporting, and are exploring new business models that will allow us to meet the needs of our current members, while proactively identifying the evolving needs of the next generation of engineers. We are brainstorming on design and implementation of innovative new-style conference events that will continue to bring us into the future.

IEEE’s 46 Societies and Technical Councils provide and will continue to develop countless opportunities for you to grow, and will remain committed to growing along with today’s emerging technology and engineering needs. Though we are doing much more, we cannot list and describe all our activities in one article. Please visit the websites of your preferred societies and technical councils to learn more, or to find out how to become one of our valuable and active volunteers.

— José M.F. Moura
2016 Technical Activities Vice President

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