IEEE EDS hosts Solar Day Student Competition at 2012 PVSC

On 3 June, a group of mostly 10th grade students from Taylor High School in Austin, Texas, USA took first place at the IEEE Electron Devices Society’s (EDS) Austin Solar Day Competition. The team won for its B.L.A.D.E van (Beginners Learning Alternative Designs for Energy), which it transformed into an alternative energy vehicle (A.E.V.) from […]
IEEE Circuits & Systems Society sponsors workshop for Indian students

Although India is rapidly producing engineers, there are far too few Indian students pursuing careers in circuits and systems, a major problem for a country where multimedia technology is expanding every day. Adding to the problem, there is no interaction between university research labs and high schools in the country. Getting high school/secondary students interested […]
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society hosts Teen Robotics Program at ICRA

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE RAS) sponsored its second Teen Robotics Program at the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). The program — designed to give high school students insight into the exciting challenges and opportunities in the field of robotics — took place on 17 May 2012 in Minneapolis–Saint Paul, […]
IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society program supports women engineers

A lack of female colleagues and role models in the engineering community discourages many women from pursuing engineering as a career, according to Charlotte Blair, coordinator for the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society’s Women in Microwaves program (IEEE-MTT WIM). Since women tend to bring a different perspective than men, the engineering community suffers from […]
IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Award recipients announced

7 December 2011- The IEEE Power & Energy Society is pleased to announce the inaugural IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative award recipients. Ninety-three (93) IEEE PES Scholarship recipients have been selected from 51 U.S. universities for the 2011-12 Academic year. These scholarships are being distributed through the IEEE Power & Energy Scholarship Fund which is […]
IEEE Electron Devices Society “Engineers Demonstrating Science Program” launched

31 August 2011- As part of the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) strategy to rejuvenate chapter activities in the United States and the rest of the world, the newly created Engineers Demonstrating Science – an Engineer Teacher Connection (IEEE EDS-ETC) program has recently launched. The goal of the program is to enable chapter members to […]