IEEE GRSS Announces plans for 2013 Data Fusion Contest

Recently, the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) announced plans for its 2013 Data Fusion Contest. The contest, which helps connect students and researchers around the world, evaluates existing methodologies at the research or operational level to solve remote sensing problems using data from various sensors. The contest is open to both IEEE members and non-members […]
IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest winners announced

Roughly 1,150 people from 78 countries participated in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society’s (GRSS) Data Fusion Contest. The contest, which is helping connect students and researchers around the world, is a forum for the scientific community to evaluate and compare existing or novel methods to solve remote sensing problems with data from various […]
Istanbul Technical University wins IEEE PELS Solar Splash Competition

Istanbul Technical University took first place at the 2012 IEEE Power Electronics Society Solar Splash Competition, the World Championship of intercollegiate Solar/Electric boating, 13-17 June in Cedar Falls/Waterloo, Iowa. It is the first time a team from outside the United States has won the competition. Teams from 15 universities designed and constructed their own solar […]
IEEE EDS hosts Solar Day Student Competition at 2012 PVSC

On 3 June, a group of mostly 10th grade students from Taylor High School in Austin, Texas, USA took first place at the IEEE Electron Devices Society’s (EDS) Austin Solar Day Competition. The team won for its B.L.A.D.E van (Beginners Learning Alternative Designs for Energy), which it transformed into an alternative energy vehicle (A.E.V.) from […]