John Verboncoeur, NPSS Financial Committee Co-Chair

The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) operates an annual initiative program that has evolved to its present state over the years. Like all societies and councils, historically available resources for initiatives include (1) the operational budget, (2) the 50% operations surplus from the previous year, (3) up to 1.5% of unit reserves, and (4) the IEEE Foundation NPSS Fund with is supported by private donations and transfers from NPSS operational surplus. In practice, the 50% operations surplus is the main source of funds with some support from the NPSS Fund. Although NPSS is a modest-sized society of about 3,000 members (but over twice that many participants in activities), its financial success primarily from publications and conferences has enabled typical annual initiatives expenditures of about $500,000.
What is a project initiative?
Program, product, or service to seed new strategic directions or pilot operational ideas that meet one or more criteria:
• Not previously operationalized
• Potential new products or services
• Seed new forms of technical engagement including topics and audiences, especially areas aligned with NPSS/TA/IEEE strategic plans and themes
• Outreach to new communities, including PK12+ and others to develop awareness, visibility
• Provide other benefits to members, field of interest, or general public
• Up to 3 years
The NPSS initiative program annual cycle, using typical dates, proceeds as follows:
1. Call for proposals. Proposals are submitted on a form that provides for the topic, project leaders and AdCom POC, goals and alignment with the NPSS or IEEE strategic plans, activities, budget, timeline, metrics of success, impact and plan for financial sustainability if it is intended to be recurring.
2. Draft initiatives due prior to AdCom retreat.
3. Rraft initiatives are discussed to improve quality and attract stakeholder technical committees.
4. Final proposals due, and are distributed to AdCom for evaluation.
5. Initial ranking and comments by AdCom; AdCom members do not rank proposals in which they are involved. Ranking uses a rubric including rubric that considers strategic alignment as well as impact, probability of success and business model.
6. Tabulated rankings provided for discussion by AdCom.
7. Prioritized funding recommendations submitted for AdCom approval.
Rolling initiative submission is also possible and can use forecast operational net.
Initiative leaders must provide a brief summary report following each year of support, including addressing metrics and providing any course corrections. Initiatives must have an AdCom advocate, to ensure strong connection to the AdCom as well as providing for an experienced team member to ensure success.
Recently funding initiatives vary from humanitarian technologies supporting entrepreneurial activities in green energy for underserved communities to roadmapping NPSS technology areas to very popular international schools in NPSS areas to conference support for early career participants. NPSS highly values the program, which over the years has enabled addressing challenges and strengthening the society and its financial position, as well as delivering impact to the community and the world. Notably, the NPSS Initiative Program was the genesis for what has become IEEE Smart Village.