A Message from Dr. Jacek Zurada, 2014 Technical Activities Vice President (November)

In recent years, Technical Activities has placed special emphasis on nurturing technical communities through the incubation and growth of its Future Directions technology initiatives. The IEEE Big Data Initiative, launched this year, is one of the most exciting initiatives added to our impressive portfolio. Big data – the amount of structured and unstructured data generated […]
In Technology Contests, Everyone’s a Winner

This year, IEEE Societies and Technical Councils have hosted a large number of contests, featuring a diverse assortment of technological fields, and stretching across many disciplines and demographics. The resumé of newly formed partnerships includes industry front-runners such as Google, Qualcomm, and Disney. The contests also promote tackling humanitarian issues through technological innovation, competition, and […]
Wanda Reder: Strengthening the Pipeline Through Collaboration

Wanda Reder, IEEE Division VII Director and member of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Governing Board, has held many roles within the IEEE, including becoming the first female president of the Society in 2008, and playing a large part in launching the IEEE Smart Grid effort in 2010. Currently the Vice President – […]
Computational Thinking: A Necessary Foundation to Coding

In recent years, much attention and interest has been devoted to teaching coding as a basic skill. Organizations such as Codecademy offer interactive online platforms boasting free coding classes in different programming languages such as Python, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, and Ruby, as well as markup languages including HTML and CSS. The platform has made tutorials […]